You should be aware of whether you are using the Broadband modem in bridge mode
or in PPPoE mode (router mode).
In the bridge mode, you will use a dialer (say, Dial-Up Adaptor, a built-in component of
Windows OS), which will contain your UserID and password. You need to double-click the icon to
get connected to broadband and open your explorer to view the web sites.
In PPPoE/router mode your user-id and password will be stored (configured) in the
modem itself. In this case, you will simply switching-on the modem, wait for the DSL (Link) to
become steady, and will start browsing straightaway. We recommend you to first switch on your
modem and then switch on your PC/Laptop. Your user-id will be either in domain or in domain. You may visit our website and click the appropriate links like to
check your usage or to change your password. Please note that whenever you change the
password by visiting, the same password change must also be done inside the
modem (for PPPoE/router mode) or in the dialer (for Bridge mode)
or in PPPoE mode (router mode).
In the bridge mode, you will use a dialer (say, Dial-Up Adaptor, a built-in component of
Windows OS), which will contain your UserID and password. You need to double-click the icon to
get connected to broadband and open your explorer to view the web sites.
In PPPoE/router mode your user-id and password will be stored (configured) in the
modem itself. In this case, you will simply switching-on the modem, wait for the DSL (Link) to
become steady, and will start browsing straightaway. We recommend you to first switch on your
modem and then switch on your PC/Laptop. Your user-id will be either in domain or in domain. You may visit our website and click the appropriate links like to
check your usage or to change your password. Please note that whenever you change the
password by visiting, the same password change must also be done inside the
modem (for PPPoE/router mode) or in the dialer (for Bridge mode)
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